random randomness 10/24/14

saturday--this week, i won a giveaway from this girl...and this tea was included as part of the package.  y'all.  i am so not a tea drinker.  but this tea?  i'm addicted.  like, i don't know if i'll ever go back to coffee again...that's how addicted.

sunday--have you ever had something that you love so much you couldn't bring yourself to use it?  i have.  and long ago, i resolved not to do that again.  read this.  it's pretty near perfect.  and so are the other 111 suggestions in the series.

monday--i need a t-shirt that says this.

tuesday--another link my husband sent to me.  it's like he knows i could live on soup.  i could.

wednesday--how do you start your morning?  and these are helpful, too.

thursday--i rarely laugh out loud.  it's just not my thing.  if something is really funny, i smile.  i'm stoic like that.  this made me laugh out loud.  no guarantee it'll do it for you.  but it did for me.

friday--my sweet friend, natalie, re-stocked her etsy shop and has a few of these left {surprise! surprise! today's your lucky day because they usually sell out scary-fast!}  they're the best, folks.  seriously.  get one.  or two.  or four.  {enter "tweetpotatopielove" at checkout for 10% off!}

homeschool group today...
and then nothing planned for the rest of the weekend, other than church on sunday.
i'm hoping to snuggle in and get some fall nesting done around my place...
clean out a few closets, organize some drawers, do some purging and simplifying and de-cluttering.
yes.  that's my favorite way to spend my down-time...
i must be crazy.

have a great weekend!

{my favorite IG post of the week...i'm @tweetpotatopie over there, too.}

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