random randomness 10/3/14

i have a few blogs that are my very, very favorites.
they're bookmarked on my computer...
every evening, once the kiddos are tucked into bed and the house is nice and quiet, i open each one up.  
i relish this time.  it's like opening my most inspiring magazines {which i don't subscribe to anymore} 
or a bit of anticipated happy mail.

i want to share these with you this week...
some, if not all, of them have the "subscribe" option...
do so.  i highly recommend it.

saturday--posie gets cozy
i've been reading alicia's blog for as long as i've known what a blog is.  for real.  i can remember, back in 2005 or 2006, clicking through her pages, falling in love with her style of writing, even way back then.  
she never, ever, ever disappoints.
alicia's posts are very photo-heavy {which i happen to thoroughly enjoy} and include delicious recipes, whimsical quilting and yarn-work inspiration, and enough images of the beautiful pacific northwest to make your heart yearn for its foggy shores.

ashley is one of the few big name bloggers that i've actually met in person.  her real-life voice rings so dead-on true with her "blog voice."  i love that.  to me, that screams of authenticity.  
ashley's blog overflows with a fabulous mix of fun and relaxed family life, simple DIYs, helpful photography pointers {even for the complete novice}, and applicable wisdom for daily life.
ashley's blog {archives} is the one i go to when i need an "attitude adjustment...practical little nuggets that she shares resonate so clearly with me.  i've often been helped by off-handed comments that weren't even part of the main topic of her post.

earlier this summer, a friend and i were texting and we happened upon the subject of blogs.  she listed her three or four favorites--two of which we had in common--and one of which i'd never heard--enJOY it.  
i visited elise's site that day...and haven't missed a day since.
i especially appreciate how open elise is about her small business ventures--what's worked and what hasn't.  her writing has a completely different "feel" than my other regulars, but its practical "street smarts" is refreshing.

tuesday--natalie creates
natalie is one of my dearest friends...that i've yet to meet...
plans are in the works for that to happen late this fall or early next year, though.
natalie's writing is full of all the best parts of small-farm country life...
incredible photographs, helpful household hints, thrifty gift-giving ideas, challenges toward increased hospitality and generosity, and a healthy dose of down-home genuineness and honesty.

shortly after beginning to read alicia's blog {first one mentioned above}, i found ashley's and shannan's blogs.
shannan's blog...oh my.  i'm laughing out loud remembering some of her posts...but somehow, her writing defies description.
she is truly funny...like the make-you-open-mouth-laugh-out-loud-right-in-front-of-your-computer sort of funny.
she'll also make you think.  think hard.  think hard about what it really means to love and serve jesus...and your neighbor.  

thursday--rouge and whimsy 
frankly, this blog is super-new to me, just discovered last month.
i can't gush on and on about its multiplied virtues.
i can say that i love the simplicity of erika's posts--usually just one photo and a handful of sentences.  
it's a quick daily read, very light.

friday--dottie angel
last, but definitely not least.
if the other blogs are the meat and substance of my nightly reads, dottie angel is the fluffy whipped cream, standing on pretty peaks atop the dessert...and rouge and whimsy is the perfectly red shiny cherry in the center.  they're light...but i'd miss them all the same if they weren't there.

because they're too good not to share...
i open-mouth laughed out loud.  scroll to the end.  do.it.  and for good measure, i even snorted when i read it the second time.
a friend of mine took a year's break from blogging...and now she's back at it.
i'm sure many of you know about it already, but the nester {that's her blog name} does a 31-Days series every october.  it's grown so much and has so many participants this year that she's opened a completely new website just for 31-Days-ers.  check it out.

this weekend...
i'm so excited.  friends of ours {who have kiddos very close to the same ages as our kiddos} asked us a few weeks ago if we'd like to do a monthly date-night-babysitting swap.  one friday night a month they keep our kiddos, and one friday night we keep theirs.
this is revolutionary, folks.  any of you who have littles and have to try to do date nights on a budget know this.
dinner and a movie?  expensive
dinner and a movie and a babysitter?  impossible.
so, yah.  date night.  friday night.  
giddy doesn't even begin to describe it.
and remember how last friday i talked about my sweet SIL keeping my kids so paul and i could go to the football game?  well, this saturday-into-sunday i'm returning the favor and keeping their three girls.
so much busy.  so much good.

happy friday, y'all!

{my favorite IG of the week--because of the memories.  
we had such a fabulous day up in madison.  such a great day.  
p.s. i'm @tweetpotatopie over on IG, too.}

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